Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday Night Art Classes

Sam found a new medium of Art tonight and loved loved the sculpting! Sam was thrilled and I haven`t seen him this excited and happy - maybe ever!!   Jake`s smile and charm convinced the teacher to let him have a go at it also - and together they had a perfect night!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

An Afternoon on the River Avon

Seems like we keep going to feed ducks on the weekends after a long week of activities and school and work, but it is really relaxing.  I now save the crusts off every loaf of bread, and the rate at which we go through food and bread, there is a lot to share with the feathered ones.   Sam and Jake named them all.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Cats Feel at Home

Two weeks at the new place and their ordeal with fligths, and quarantine with their neighbours from Oman and Sudan is over - George and Jackson are relaxed and happy little critters again.  They`ve even managed to convert Natalie who claimed she didn`t like cats... ya.. whatever!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cheltenham Pump House

Nice weekend in Cheltenham and visiting with old Friends.  We walked Pittville Park in Cheltenham and the boys tasted the water in hopes of becoming cross country superheroes with the special water (
Sunday was laser tag with Pete and Nat, the girls, the kids and some silly fun.  Then everyone back to our Bredon house for Sunday lunch roast beef and baked vegetables - yum!

Friday, January 21, 2011

New at This

Learning to get this blogging done and working.  For Mum, this is my way of keeping in touch and sharing adventures and pictures with you.  A little story pictures of life here and what is going on, so the distance doesn't feel so very far. xo